Books for our being
The Sunlight Ink Children’s series consists of a range of books for our being.
Each book offers a beauty-full message that, when lived, builds a foundation within each person that supports a sense of well-being and ease in navigating and being part of everyday life.

The Sunlight Ink Children’s book series (currently six titles plus a colouring book) is based on the clinical work of Senior Behaviour Specialist Tanya Curtis. Tanya often shares that these books are designed to make her role as a behaviour specialist redundant.
We live in a world that does not always support us to be who we truly are but encourages a way of living that has people attempting to fit in, conform and put aside the sweet, sensitive, tender and beauty-full essence that is innate and within us all. If children of all ages (0 to 100+) grew up with the foundational principles presented in these books, they would grow into teenagers, adults and elders who have –
A strong sense of well-being
Quality self-worth
High esteem
Reduced to nil anxiety
Quality mental wellness
Wanted or preferred behaviours
An increased sense of commitment and feeling equipped to respond to all that life presents
I am beauty-full just for being me
We are ALL beauty-full inside
A powerful message for children to learn early in life that nothing we do nor the way we look determines our beauty. Our TRUE BEAUTY was already there at birth and will be in us forever, no matter what our life challenges are. Our true beauty comes from our innermost and is not based on what the world judges. This message will support children of all ages, colour and origin (including all adults) to accept themselves just for BEING them!
Imagine a world filled with people living in the knowing of their TRUE INNER BEAUTY – knowing they are beauty-full just for being them.

Get the Dutch book in eBook format
BOOK 2 - colouring in
Colouring Book –
I am beauty-full just for being me
As each page is filled with colours, one can bring close attention to the messages … every single one a great point of insight and offering a space for discussion, thus allowing each message to be explored more deeply during the colouring process.

My Number 1 Job
What is our number 1 job?
We all have many jobs to do — keep our room clean, go to school, do our work, tidy up, feed the pets, etc. But which one is our most important job? This book introduces that we all have many jobs to do … but … we ALL have one very important job — our Number 1 Job.
This book explores the value and practicalities of loving our self in the knowing that, when we learn to love ourselves first, we can then truly offer love and support to other people.

Once we do our Number 1 Job, all our other jobs can be done willingly and joyfully.
But first —
we must complete our Number 1 Job.
... Is one of my favourite words
Defeating perfectionism – so it won’t defeat us!
Making mistakes, being corrected, being told you’re wrong, losing … these are common triggers for increased anxiety and unwanted behaviour. Why? Simply because we forget we are ‘human beings’ and not ‘human doings’ – we think we are worthy based on what we ‘do’ and feel bad when what we ‘do’ is criticised or corrected.
The messages in this book share with children of all ages (0 to 100+) that we are all already perfect just for being us. We learn that what we do will sometimes be perfect and sometimes not – and that every mistake we make is simply a learning opportunity!
Our doing might not always be perfect, but our BEING will always be perfect.

We all have a beauty-full essence
We are all born with a beauty-full essence.
… a spark brighter than the stars and more precious than any gem. Yet, we live in a world where judgment of behaviour is rife and feelings of rejection, low self-esteem, poor self-worth, self-loathing and hurt people hurting people have become our norm … but there is another way!
What if the world lived in the knowing that at the core of each and every human being we are all founded with a beauty-full essence … a beauty-full essence that is present from the very beginning and never leaves, no matter what. So, let’s stop hiding and instead embrace and let shine this beauty-full essence in each and every one of us.
Are you being the unique puzzle piece you are here to be?
What if the world was one massive puzzle?
... with you, me and all of us being one of the much-needed pieces to complete this gigantic puzzle?
Just like every puzzle piece, each and every one of us has our unique colour, size, shape, expression and purpose.
What if the world puzzle can never be complete until each and every one of us accepts, embraces and lives as the unique puzzle piece we are here to be in this world?
What unique puzzle piece are you here to be?
A treasure chest full of resources
Enjoy the offering on each and every poster.
Each book in the 'Books for Our Being' series has a collection of stand-alone messages that, when embraced and lived, lay a foundation that supports the quality of life and well-being for all equally. Each message put into practice will result in an increase in mental wellness and decreased use of unwanted or non-preferred behaviour(s). This poster booklet is indeed a treasure chest full of resources, a collection of 28 stand-alone posters that support the building of foundations that allow all to live the quality of being we are here to live and be.
This booklet can be used to either – simply read each of the beauty-fully illustrated messages, poster by poster or just copy each page and use them as visual reminders in your natural setting(s).
The purpose of this booklet is to support you and all to live your Number 1 Job, embrace your life lessons, live the beauty-full essence that is innate within all and thus be the unique puzzle piece that you and all are here to live and be.